Student Spotlight: Mar Perez
December 18, 2023
By Ashley Ritchie
Meet Mar Perez, a first-year mechanical engineering student from Barcelona, Spain. In this student spotlight, Mar talks about why she chose to study at Georgia Tech, what she likes most about her major, and her experience transitioning to college.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Mar Perez, and I am a first-year mechanical engineering student. I was born in Barcelona, Spain, but my family and I currently live in Fort Myers, Florida.
Why did you choose to study at Georgia Tech?
Tech stood out to me when trying to pick schools for its innovative manner of thinking. I felt that no matter who I surrounded myself with, I could meet incredible, inspiring people who would push me to be the best version of myself. However, at Tech, these aren’t just people to admire; they’re your friends and classmates, the people you do class projects and late-night studying with. Georgia Tech was a place where I knew I could create new ideas and fulfill my goals.
What has been the hardest part about transitioning to Georgia Tech?
I realized I was not as good as I thought at time management. When I first got to Tech, I would always make sure to do my work way ahead of the due date; however, I found that I lost the balance between school and having fun. Since then, I started giving myself more breaks and have spent more time not doing work.
How did you become interested in mechanical engineering?
I have always loved building and creating, but my shared love for biology naturally compelled me towards biomedical engineering. It wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I realized my love for mechanical engineering while designing the hardware for a low-cost 3D bioprinter. I enjoyed the tangible aspect of mechanical engineering much more than the biological aspect. With mechanical engineering, I can create and see my tangible product.
In your opinion, what is the best thing about your major?
Mechanical engineering is so versatile! It makes it possible for me to explore many career paths. It also makes classes very interesting. Although everyone around you may be mechanical engineers everyone has their own interests, whether it's nanotechnology, robotics, or automotive engineering.
What clubs or activities do you plan to take part in while enrolled at Georgia Tech?
I’m excited to join the Medical Robotics Industry Team, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and the Sailing Club; I know nothing about sailing, but I can’t wait to learn! I am also a work-study student and work for the Woodruff School.
Tell us more about your work-study position.
I am a student assistant in the School's communications department. My job consists of writing articles highlighting achievements, conducting student Q&As, and making sure everything is running smoothly with the website.
What are some of your hobbies?
I really enjoy hiking and traveling with my family.
What’s one fun fact about yourself?
My fun fact is that I met Messi in Barcelona!
So far, what has been the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
During my sophomore year of high school, I was eager to learn more about mechanical engineering, so I reached out to a biomechanics professor. With his mentorship, I created a low-cost 3D bioprinter for under $1,000 by modifying a standard 3D printer for undergraduate education. This research earned a $10,000 institutional grant and was presented at two international conferences.
What do you look forward to doing in the future?
I am excited to pursue research and study abroad opportunities during the coming semesters at Tech. I want to eventually work for a humanoid robotics company.
What advice do you have for high school students thinking about coming to Georgia Tech?
I highly recommend coming to Tech! It’s a challenging school, but the support of your peers and friends makes it so worthwhile and enjoyable. Georgia Tech is an amazing place to be, and if you play your cards right, it will prepare you for the rest of your life.