Improving Energy Storage Technologies for Concentrating Solar Power Systems
On May 21st, the Department of Energy SunShot Initiative announced $10M for six new R&D projects that will advance innovative concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies.
On May 21st, the Department of Energy SunShot Initiative announced $10M for six new R&D projects that will advance innovative concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies.
Traumatic bone injuries such as blast wounds are often so severe that the body can’t effectively repair the damage on its own. To aid the recovery, clinicians inject patients with proteins called growth factors. The treatment is costly, requiring large amounts of expensive growth factors. The growth factors also disperse, creating unwanted bone formation in the area around the injury.
Teams from the Georgia Institute of Technology are recipients of four grants recently announced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The funding is designed to support research that will strengthen U.S. manufacturing and innovation performance across industries.
Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels have been awarded prestigious fellowships and scholarships this month, including the honors of Fulbright and Churchill scholarships.
Andrés García’s lab in the Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, which deals with really small-sized stuff, may be onto something really big, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), who provided the funding for the groundbreaking study, is paying close attention.
When scientists and engineers use the word materials, they mean any naturally occurring substance manipulated by humans to make things. Beginning with the first metals, discovered by trial and error thousands of years ago, the drive to develop materials that better serve human needs has played a central role in the rise of complex societies.
Modern researchers have moved past haphazard experimentation. Today they examine materials at every level – from the nanoscale to the visible and tangible macroscale – to understand why a material behaves as it does.
T-cells are the body’s sentinels, patrolling every corner of the body in search of foreign threats such as bacteria and viruses. Receptor molecules on the T-cells identify invaders by recognizing their specific antigens, helping the T-cells discriminate attackers from the body’s own cells. When they recognize a threat, the T-cells signal other parts of the immune system to confront the invader.