At the conclusion of every academic year, the Graduate Student Senate recognizes members of the Georgia Tech faculty and staff that have made great contributions to the enhancement of the graduate experience at Georgia Tech.
This year’s recipient of the Anderson D. Smith Administrator of the Year Award is Dr. Wayne Whiteman, Senior Academic Professional in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Whiteman's dedication to the student body, especially Mechanical Engineering, is seemingly without bound. He takes the time to get to know all of his students, even participating in student activities such as the Humans and Zombies event or the high ropes of the GT Leadership Challenge Course. For the graduate students, he is a magician and counselor rolled into one. If there is a problem, a visit to his office gets a frustrated student back on track. If the problem deals with curriculum, he takes the time to introduce the student to the proper parties and follows up to ensure everything is taken care of. If, heaven forbid, the problem is between student and professor he can walk the minefield toward change and reconciliation without bruising feelings. Dr. Whiteman tackles a difficult job with vigor and engages each student with the care and concern of a loyal friend.
The Dr. Anderson D. Smith Administrator of the year award was renamed this past summer with the retirement of Dr. Anderson Smith after 42 years with Georgia Tech. During his tenure, Dr. Smith was a longtime advocate for graduate student at Georgia Tech and also served in the role as advisor to the Graduate Student Government Association. The award is given annually to a Georgia Tech administrator whom has gone above and beyond the confines of the classroom to have a positive impact on the life of graduate students at Georgia Tech.
Read about other SGA Award Recipients.